Russell Whitehead


Russell Whitehead

Russell Whitehead

Children, Fantasy, Young Adult

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  • Member Since

    Jul 2016

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    6 August, 2016

  • Profession



Russell Whitehead is an author and illustrator of books for children and middle-grade readers, a puppet builder and puppeteer.

The legends and fairy tales he heard and read as a young boy sparked his imagination and inspired a lifelong love for children's literature and fictional characters. Later he discovered the art of puppetry and embraced it as a way to bring those characters to life. He writes to amuse and entertain with stories that impart good values.

Russell resides in Griffin, Georgia with his wife Deb and their dog Dylan. When he's not in the studio writing or building puppets, he enjoys spending time with family and entertaining grandchildren. He blogs about children's and middle-grade books as well as the various writing and puppetry projects he's working on.

Russell Whitehead Books

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